Monday, December 21, 2009

Did you know...

Presents are wrapped to be unwrapped: According to the EPA, holiday wrapping paper is a large part of the 25% increase in waste generation between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day. Be creative the next time you are wrapping a gift! You can reuse gift bags, bows and event paper, but you can also make something unique by using old maps, posters, cloth or even newspaper. Flip a paper grocery bag inside out and use stamps or markers to create your own wrapping paper that's environmentally friendly and extra special for the recipient.

Friday, December 18, 2009

what we plan to do this semester

As this semester comes to an end, everyone here at the Recycling Program is busy planning events for the spring. Aside from our monthly newsletter and documentary screenings, here are some things to look forward to...

-week of accountability...make sure you are recycling always, but especially during February because if you get "caught" we will reward you!

-Our second sustainability swap! You bring us inconvenient recyclable items (batteries, electronics, cell phones, etc) we give you free energy saving CFLs!

April-(Earth Month!)
-ECO Fair!
-Park Clean Up
-Green Film Fest

-Beach Clean UP
-Annual Dorm Donation Drive. As you move out of your dorm, donate all that clothing you just don't need anymore and someone less fortunate will benefit from your kindness!

There's lots more where this came from so check back here as well as the official Columbia College Recycling web page for more info!!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Week 1: Update from Copenhagen!

Leaked Documents, protests tens of thousands strong, false promises, people fighting for their livelihoods..These are all things we have seen at the first week of the Copenhagen Climate Talks. Island Nations have banded together like never before to prove a point at this all important conference. This isn't just about economics but this is about life and death. Countries like Tuvalu remind us that they will be underwater if drastic changes aren't made. Other developing countries are losing water sources and are being devastated by an increase in natural disasters. Something major must be done!

According to a new study by Climate Interactive, a group of US-based Scientists, the offers that have been suggested so far would lead to a rise of 3.9 degrees Celsius against pre-industrial levels by 2100. This is much higher than the 2 degrees that has been set by scientists as the tipping point pushing us towards chaos and major changes to our environment as we know it.

Knowing this: Are we ready to have this on our conscience as world leaders?

Current Obstacles to a treaty:

  • Developed countries setting unreasonably low emissions targets
  • Financing or the lack of promised money from Developed/Richer countries
  • Managing and handing out the aid money
  • Verifying and enforcing emissions targets

World famous environmental activist Vandana Shiva at Copenhagen:

Stay Tuned,

Neale Baldyga

Tuesday, September 22, 2009